Kasia Fabijańska works predominantly in intaglio printmaking and drawing, focusing on the various things that relate humanity to nature whether they be political, personal or cultural. Fabijańska was born in Poland and lived for a short time in Germany before arriving in Australia in 1986 with her family. Being close to nature, whether hiking or snowboarding, has been in integral part of her creative work. She holds a B.A. in Fashion Design (RMIT, 2000) and a Master in Visual Art in Printmedia (Monash, 2012).

She has shown regularly in solo and group exhibitions, most recently: Untitled 2020 (Sydney, 2020), Dark Ink (solo - Melbourne, 2019), Editions 18 and 19 (2018, 2019, Melbourne), 2018 Swan Hill Print and Drawing Awards, the Burnie Print Prize (2017, Tasmania), Gippsland Print Award (2017, Sale, Victoria), Bajka (solo - 2017, Kyneton, Victoria), Between Here and There (2016, Melbourne).

In 2020, Fabijańska was awarded the joint Baldessin Studio and Australian Galleries Fellowship. In 2015 she was the recipient of the Australian Print Workshop Dowd Foundation Scholarship.

Her work is held in private and public collections including the Gippsland Art Gallery and the Australian Print Workshop.


I first came to Baldessin Studio with my mum to take a workshop in zinc etching with Rob Hails around 2010. At the end Rob gave me an old etching needle to keep, I suppose as a nudge to keep going, (thanks Rob). The following year I began my master’s in visual art in Printmedia at Monash, and it wasn’t until I was a more fully-fledged printmaker that I started returning to use the studio to work on projects or join more social happenings. I have also done a workshop with Silvi Glattauer in photogravure to extend some skills. - Kasia Fabijańska